This page enables you to view all of the shows which are available on the My Property TV Channel, including the Latest Episode of each show, the past twelve (12) weeks of episodes for each free show and all available episodes of the each premium show.
If you would like to watch earlier episodes of 'Property Investing Matters' then please visit the Portal Page of the DestinyLive website where you can access past episodes of 'Property Investing Matters', 'Your Money Your Call', 'Property Success with Margaret Lomas' and 'Money Makers'. If you don't already have a DestinyLive account then why not join now, as most DestinyLive tools and resources are accessible by all users for free, with only a few features restricted to Destiny support clients.
You can select a show name from the dropdown box, or enter a search term to find relevant content.
Note: Our Media Player supports casting which allows viewers to send a TV Show's video to a different screen while using their device as a remote control. Casting to an Apple TV via AirPlay is supported in Safari on iOS & macOS and Chrome on iOS. Casting to a Google Chromecast or Chomecast enabled device (E.g. TV or SetTop Box) via Google Cast is supported in Google Chrome on Android, Windows and macOS. Casting is not supported in any other browsers.
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